About Ben
About BEN Eden
Ben Eden spent over seven years in HR, mostly in an HR executive role. He knows firsthand what you are going through in your career. As a highly successful HR executive, he helped run a global company with nearly 2,000 employees. Ben helped them grow the company as he went from HR Intern to the Leader of their Global HR department, building locations from the ground up around the world. Now, as an HR business coach, he leverages this extensive experience to help other businesses achieve their highest potential through his global talent HR consultancy.
Combining his education and personal experiences, Ben discovered areas of the HR profession that needed critical support. And that had him questioning — “Where is HR for HR professionals?” “Who can HR professionals turn to when laws are complex and changing, when employees need and demand so much, and when the management team expects you to have all the answers?” “Who can HR turn to when their wellbeing is at stake?”
From these questions and more, Ben began to realize he was doing more coaching and advising and also realized that each company and their situations are unique.

But there is one thing that always remains the same — you are a human trying to do your best in your role with what you’ve got to work with currently. Sometimes you need a safe place to turn where you can have your questions and concerns addressed, your fears and doubts resolved, and your confidence bolstered. That’s where HR professional coaching can help you avoid or recover from burnout, build resilience, confidence, and motivation. A place where you can be heard, understood, and directed effectively so that you show up doing and achieving your very best. Ben, as an HR business coach through his global talent HR consultancy, helps you bring the optimism back to your job.
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